
Public Presentation of the Collalto Seismic Network

Sgonico, November 16th 2012
The Collalto Seismic Network will be presented officially on wednesday november 28th, 2012 in a public meeting organized by OGS and Susegana Municipality. After the greetings by the Susegana Major and OGS President, the programme schedules three technical-scientifc talks on seismicity and seismic hazard in Veneto, the Collalto Seismic Network, and the Collalto gas storage plant, repectively. A public discussion will conclude the meeting. The announcement of the event (in italian language) can be found in attachment.

Appointment on wednesday november 28th, 2012, 20:00, at the "Casa degli Alpini di Colfosco" (Susegana, TV).

Completed and fully operational the Collalto Seismic Network

As from December 1, 2012, the Collalto Seismic Network (RSC - Rete Sismica di Collalto) is fully operational. The work for its realization started on May 2010 and took about one year and a half. This network consists of 10 seismometric stations (orange symbols in Figure 1), which are equipped with 10 high-sensitivity seismometres and 4 accelerometres in all, and one permanent GNSS geodetic station. This network has been realized according to the most advanced rules and highest standards, and it enables a detailed and continuous monitoring of an area of about 20 x 20 km surrounding the Collalto storage concession. Data are tele-transmitted in real time to the Seismological Research Centre offices of Udine and Trieste, where they are archived and processed.

Figure 1 –  Map of the Collalto Seismic Network.
Figure 1 – Map of the Collalto Seismic Network.
