Pubblicazioni scientifiche

Questa sezione contiene l'elenco delle pubblicazioni scientifiche riguardanti la Rete Sismica di Collalto. I file pdf delle pubblicazioni sono scaricabili tramite ResearchGate/Academia, oppure al link riportato.

  • Priolo E., M. Romanelli, M. P. Plasencia Linares, M. Garbin, L. Peruzza, M. A. Romano, P. Marotta, P. Bernardi, L. Moratto, D. Zuliani, and P. Fabris (2015). Seismic monitoring of an underground natural gas storage facility: the Collalto Seismic Network. Seism. Res. Lett., 86 (1), 109-123 + esupp, doi: 10.1785/0220140087.
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  • Romano M.A., Peruzza L., Priolo E., Garbin M., Picotti V., Guido F.L. and Ponza A. (2015). Preliminary imaging of active faults in the Montello-Collalto area (Southeastern Alps, Italy) by a high sensitivity seismometric network. Abstract Volume 6th International INQUA Meeting on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Archaeoseismology, Miscellanea INGV, vol. 27, 410-413.
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  • Diez Zaldívar, E., Priolo, E., Grigoli, F., Cesca, S. (2016). Misalignment Angle Correction of Borehole Seismic Sensors: The Case Study of the Collalto Seismic Network. Seismol. Res. Lett., 87 (3), 668-677, doi:10.1785/0220150183.
  • Grigoli F., Cesca S., Priolo E., Rinaldi A. P., Clinton J. F., Stabile T. A., Dost B., Garcia Fernandez M., Wiemer S., and Dahm T. (2017). Current challenges in monitoring, discrimination, and management of induced seismicity related to underground industrial actvities: a European perspective. Rev. Geophys., 55, doi:10.1002/2016RG000542.
  • Lanzoni A., Moratto L., Priolo E., and Romano M.A. (2019). Fast MW estimation of microearthquakes recorded around the Underground Gas Storage in the Montello-Collalto Area (Southeastern Alps, Italy). J. of Seismology, in press, doi:10.1007/s10950-019-09889-0.
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  • Moratto L., Romano M.A., Laurenzano G., Colombelli S., Priolo E., Zollo A., Saraò A., and Picozzi M. (2019). Source parameter analysis of microearthquakes recorded around the underground gas storage in the Montello-Collalto Area (Southeastern Alps, Italy). Tectonophysics, 762, 159-168.
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  • Romano M.A., Peruzza L., Garbin M., Priolo E., Picotti V. (2019). Microseismic Portrait of the Montello Thrust (Southeastern Alps, Italy) from a Dense High-Quality Seismic Network. Seismological Research Letters, 90, 1502-1517. doi:10.1785/0220180387. Scarica il PDF
  • Guidarelli M., Klin P., Priolo E. (2020). Migration-based near real-time detection and location of microearthquakes with parallel computing. Geophysical Journal International, 221 (3), 1941-1958.
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  • Scala A., Adinolfi G.M., Picozzi M., Scotto di Uccio F., Festa G., De Landro G., Priolo E., Parolai S., Riccio R., Romanelli M. (2022). Monitoring the Microseismicity through a Dense Seismic Array and a Similarity Search Detection Technique: Application to the Seismic Monitoring of Collalto Gas-Storage, North Italy. Energies 2022, 15, 3504.
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  • Peruzza L., Romano M.A., Guidarelli M., Moratto L., Garbin M. and Priolo E. (2022). An unusually productive microearthquake sequence brings new insights to the buried active thrust system of Montello (Southeastern Alps, Northern Italy). Front. Earth Sci. 10:1044296. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.1044296
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  • Picotti V., Romano M.A., Ponza A., Guido F.L. and Peruzza L. (2022). The Montello Thrust and the Active Mountain Front of the Eastern Southern Alps (Northeast Italy). Tectonics, 41, e2022TC007522.
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  • Sugan M., Peruzza L., Romano M.A., Guidarelli M., Moratto L., Sandron D., Plasencia Linares M. and Romanelli M. (2023). Machine learning versus manual earthquake location workflow: testing LOC-FLOW on an unusually productive microseismic sequence in northeastern Italy. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 14:1, 2284120, DOI:10.1080/19475705.2023.2284120
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